Homework on Giordano - Ethics of management of gender atypical organization in children
All answers must be in your own words
1. According to Giordano, under some circumstances treatment should be administered to minors without their parents' agreement.
a. What are these circumstances? State your answer as a conditional (e.g. "If ______ then administering treatment to minors without parental agreement is permissible."). Your conditional should make clear whether Giordano thinks administering treatment in these conditions is permissible, obligatory, or both. (1 sentence) (2pts)
b. Do you agree with this view? Why or why not? (1-3 sentences) (1pts)
c. Would a similar standard make sense when applied to the treatment of adults? That is, if we ask when we can treat an adult without that adult's full consent, would Giordano's view give us a good answer? Why or why not? (1-3 sentences) (1pts)
2. Does Giordano set different standards for the administration of reversible and irreversible treatments to minors? If so, what are the differences? If not, why not? (1-4 sentences) (2pts)
Do you agree (that is, with treating them the same, or with treating them differently)? Why or why not? (1pt) (1-3 sentences)
3. What standard of competence does Giordano seem to endorse? State your answer as a conditional ("If ______ then a person is competent to choose treatment for themselves."). (1 sentence) (2pts)
Is there anything worrisome about this view - e.g. are there counterexamples, or something importantly unclear? (1-3 sentences) (1pts)